商戶 : IRREGULart
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 56027288
地址 : 南丫島北角新村36B
簡介 : IRREGULart藝術工作坊位於四面環海的南丫島,隱世海岸青山綠水的《北角新村》,小島風情有著不少香港開埠初期的歷史痕跡及自然地貌,呼吸著大自然的新鮮空氣,聽著小鳥唱著歌,來個身心靈放鬆的一日遊,整個世界和時間彷彿隨心情一樣,享受活在當下的每一刻。 IRREGULart is located in Pak Kok San Tsuen, Lamma Island, surrounded by the sea, hidden in the green hills and clear waters of the village. The island has many historical traces and natural landscapes from the early days of Hong Kong's development. Breathing in the fresh air of nature and listening to the birds sing, you can enjoy a relaxing day trip for your body and mind. Time seems to stand still, allowing you to fully enjoy and appreciate every moment of the present.


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