

發表日期: 12/4/2023
點擊: 1477
商戶 : Chan's Harvest Learning Centre 灝曦學習中心
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 91618096
地址 : Room 601, 6/F, Royal Commercial Centre, 56 Parkes Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR (1-min walk from Jordan Stn Exit C2) // 九龍佐敦白加士街 56 號凱豪商業中心6樓601室(佐敦站C2出口步行1分鐘)
簡介 : Teaching English Grammar since 2008. Best-known for top primary school transfers. English courses for kindergarten to secondary. 2008年成立至今,家庭形式營運,教授無數中小學名校生。 擅長幫助學生提升轉校前英語能力,以及應對各校校內考試。

年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下)

語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文

人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人

教學模式: 面授

時間: Courses differ from 60 to 120 mins per session // 每堂60 - 120分鐘(課堂時間根據課程而異 )

價錢: Prices differ from course to course // 價錢根據課程而異

服務地區: 油尖旺區, 其他(彈性或無固定地點)


Having Trouble in English? We're here to help.

Venice is here to help you master English!  🐶

Why us?

🔸 We are reputed for successful prestigious-school transfers.

🔸 We use our own teaching materials, which are catered to our self-made curriculum.

🔸 Our classes are tailored to one's proficiency in English. This means different levels do not mix in a classroom.

🔸 Unlike other tutorial centres, we teach only a small number of students at a time, to ensure all of them receive equal care and follow-ups if needed.

🔸 Our lessons are conducted by experienced former English teachers of top schools and English Language master's degree graduates.

🔸 Family-ran since 2008.

Learn more about us below!


分類 :

學術 - 基礎教育 - 英文
語言 - 英語


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