開肩開髖特別班 / 哈達瑜珈
發表日期: 9/2/2022
點擊: 652

商戶 : Gwan Samadhi Center
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 59191335
地址 : Whatsapp了解更多
簡介 : 觀心自在 Gwan Samadhi Center 是一間身、心、靈全方位健康發展的修行中心。 忙碌的生活累積了太多精神與情緒的壓力,造成憂鬱、焦躁等情緒與健康問題,影響人際、生活與各種家庭社會議題;世界是一面鏡子,反映了我們內在的品質 ! 我們的目標在提升人們自我覺察與覺知能力,透過實用的方法,將生命的轉折處變成學習成長的機會,轉化為生命的智慧,活出獨特且感恩的人生 !
年齡範圍: 成人(24-65歲)
語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文
人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人
教學模式: 面授
時間: 60 - 120分鐘
價錢: $200起,請與中心查詢
服務地區: 中西區
Are you ready 👍
#Hatha Yoga 75mins
Hatha Yoga @gwan hk👇🪄🥳👀
Are you ready 👍
#Hatha Yoga 75mins
Introductory Hips & Shoulders Opening Yoga Workshop 開肩開髖特別班
Do you feel your yoga practice is at a stage where you would like to explore inversions in more depth?
Yoga poses that focus on the shoulders are an amazing way to release this tension. Of course, it’s not just the shoulders that hold stress and tension. From your jaw to the space between your eyes, your body can take a while to unravel. Start with the shoulders and then maybe try moving on to this workshop will open up the rest of your body. A regular practice will help your entire body move with fluidity.
Hips & Shoulders Opening Yoga Workshop (Part 1) 24/Sep 1:30-3:30pm
Hips & Shoulders Opening Yoga Workshop (Part 2) 120mins 開肩開髖特別班
Do you feel your yoga practice is at a stage where you would like to explore inversions in more depth?
Would you like to improve your strength and defy gravity?
While most yoga poses involve the muscles around the hips and pelvis in some way, hip openers are a specific group of asanas whose main anatomical function is to maintain and develop a healthy range of motion in the hips.
Hip opening yoga poses improve circulation, flexibility and range of movement in the hips, legs and back. They are also beneficial for improving posture, strengthening balance, reducing stress, and promoting mental health and overall wellness.
This will be a fun and challenging workshop. Expect to fall, laugh, get back up and do it all again.
Hips & Shoulders Opening Yoga Workshop (Part 2) 8 Oct
Love me more wellness 哈達瑜珈
Hatha yoga practice helps us:
- to build mobility, stability, strength and alignment in our body.
- to connect our breath, body and mind.
- to cultivate our awareness and sensitivity.
- to releive pain caused by tensions and stiffness.
Pls contact 59191335 for bookings
分類 :
室內運動 - 瑜伽
- 地面瑜伽
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