
南丫島自由藝術創作Art Jamming工作坊

發表日期: 3/8/2023
點擊: 1185
南丫島自由藝術創作Art Jamming工作坊
商戶 : IRREGULart
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 56027288
地址 : 南丫島北角新村36B
簡介 : IRREGULart藝術工作坊位於四面環海的南丫島,隱世海岸青山綠水的《北角新村》,小島風情有著不少香港開埠初期的歷史痕跡及自然地貌,呼吸著大自然的新鮮空氣,聽著小鳥唱著歌,來個身心靈放鬆的一日遊,整個世界和時間彷彿隨心情一樣,享受活在當下的每一刻。 IRREGULart is located in Pak Kok San Tsuen, Lamma Island, surrounded by the sea, hidden in the green hills and clear waters of the village. The island has many historical traces and natural landscapes from the early days of Hong Kong's development. Breathing in the fresh air of nature and listening to the birds sing, you can enjoy a relaxing day trip for your body and mind. Time seems to stand still, allowing you to fully enjoy and appreciate every moment of the present.

年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)

語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文

人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人

教學模式: 面授

時間: 個別查詢

價錢: 個別查詢

服務地區: 離島區

南丫島自由藝術創作Art Jamming工作坊

Art Jamming是一種藝術創作活動,在這個活動中,學生可以一起在一個輕鬆、有趣的環境中創作藝術作品,並與其他人分享他們的創作。

Art Jamming起源於20世紀初期的美國,當時有很多藝術家在一起創作,互相交流和分享他們的創意。後來這種活動也逐漸在全球不同地區興起,成為一種流行的藝術文化活動。Art Jamming在亞洲地區尤其受到歡迎,特別是在香港和新加坡等地,這種活動已經成為一種主流的娛樂和消遣方式。Art Jamming通常在藝術工作室、咖啡廳、活動場地或戶外等地舉行,在這些場所,學生可以享受輕鬆愉悅的氛圍,創作自己的藝術作品,並與其他人分享創作的樂趣。


IRREGULart提供一個空間、畫布、畫筆、和其他用品,讓學生創作自己的藝術作品。Art Jamming的主要目的是讓人們放鬆身心,享受藝術創作的樂趣,並與其他人建立聯繫。這種活動通常適合所有年齡層和不同程度的藝術愛好者參加,無需任何經驗或技能。學生由選材到設計都是自己一手一腳完成,最後完成作品帶回家,為生活增添一點儀式感。

以下是一些適合參加Art Jamming活動的人士:

1. 藝術愛好者:對於喜愛藝術和創作的人來說,Art Jamming是一個非常好的機會,可以在輕鬆的環境中創作藝術作品,並與其他藝術愛好者分享創作的樂趣。

2. 壓力大的人:Art Jamming是一種放鬆身心的活動,可以幫助人們釋放壓力,減輕焦慮和壓力,去到寧靜的南丫島,更適合放鬆自己。

3. 想嘗試新事物的人:對於想嘗試不同活動和體驗的人來說,Art Jamming是一個很好的機會,可以學習新的技能和創作方式,並與其他人建立聯繫。

4. 團隊建設活動:Art Jamming也是一種很受歡迎的團隊建設活動,可以增進團隊合作精神和溝通能力,並提高創造力和想像力。

Art Jamming亦非常適合朋友﹑情侶﹑家人及親子一起結伴參加,從而促進大家的感情。




36B Pak Kok San Tsuen, Lamma Island, HONG KONG

Instagram : Irregularthk

Facebook :

Whatsapp: WhatsApp查詢報名詳情61319328



Art Jamming is an art creation activity where students can create art pieces together in a relaxed and fun environment and share their creations with others.

Art Jamming originated in the early 20th century in the United States, where many artists gathered to create, exchange and share their ideas. This activity has gradually become a popular art and cultural event in different parts of the world. It is especially popular in Asian regions, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore, where it has become a mainstream entertainment and leisure activity. Art Jamming is usually held in art studios, cafes, event venues or outdoors, where students can enjoy a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, create their own art pieces, and share the joy of creation with others.

IRREGULart is located in Pak Kok San Tsuen, Lamma Island, surrounded by the sea, hidden in the green hills and clear waters of the village. The island has many historical traces and natural landscapes from the early days of Hong Kong's development. Breathing in the fresh air of nature and listening to the birds sing, you can enjoy a relaxing day trip for your body and mind. Time seems to stand still, allowing you to fully enjoy and appreciate every moment of the present.

IRREGULart provides a space, canvas, brushes, and other supplies for students to create their own art pieces. The main purpose of Art Jamming is to help people relax and enjoy the fun of art creation, and to build connections with others. This activity is usually suitable for all ages and levels of art enthusiasts, without any experience or skills required. Students can complete the selection and design of their artwork by themselves and bring the finished work home to add a touch of ritual to their lives.

The following are some types of people who are suitable to participate in Art Jamming activities:

  1. Art enthusiasts: Art Jamming is a great opportunity for those who love art and creation to create art pieces in a relaxed environment and share the joy of creation with other art enthusiasts.

  2. People under pressure: Art Jamming is a relaxing activity that can help people release stress, reduce anxiety and pressure, and going to the peaceful Lamma Island is more suitable for relaxing oneself.

  3. People who want to try new things: Art Jamming is a great opportunity for those who want to try different activities and experiences, learn new skills and creative ways, and build connections with others.

  4. Team building activity: Art Jamming is also a popular team building activity that can enhance teamwork and communication skills, and improve creativity and imagination.

Art Jamming is also very suitable for friends, couples, family members and parent-child to participate together, in order to promote their relationships.

Welcome to sign up and inquire for further details.

Workshop Location:

36B Pak Kok San Tsuen, Lamma Island, HONG KONG

Instagram : Irregularthk

Facebook :

Whatsapp: 61319328


分類 :

藝術與設計 - 繪畫 - 木顏色畫 素描 油畫 水彩畫 水墨畫 粉彩畫 水粉畫 丙烯畫(塑膠彩) 蠟筆畫 其他 (繪畫)
親子 - 親子活動


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