Boxing / Thai Boxing Coach
發表日期: 4/22/2023
點擊: 4431

商戶 : Coach L (拳擊/泰拳教練)
評分 :
聯絡方式 : WhatsApp link - Contact Me
地址 : 全香港 - All Areas In Hong Kong
簡介 : 練功,練心! - Train Your Heart,Train Your Attitude!
年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)
語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文
人數: 1對1
教學模式: 面授
時間: 45-60分鐘 / 45-60 Mins
價錢: $300 因應個別水平可再另議 / $300 Response level can be discussed
服務地區: 中西區, 東區, 南區, 灣仔區, 九龍城區, 觀塘區, 深水埗區, 黃大仙區, 油尖旺區, 離島區, 葵青區, 北區, 西貢區, 沙田區, 大埔區, 荃灣區, 屯門區, 元朗區, 其他(彈性或無固定地點)
廣告優惠細節可參閱以下連結 :
Instagram : Link
唔好懶 , 要練嘢 !
Coach L擁有十年拳擊/泰拳習武經驗,亦考獲教練牌照,歡迎各人士了解上堂詳情。
一對一感受室外練習 , 唔需要焗促於拳館臭汗及可練習更強心肺功能 , 一邊呼吸新鮮空氣。
體能+技術+心理 , 係訓練時間 , 亦不只會叫「埋包」, 配合揸拳靶 , 以訓練學生步法。
Boxing / Thai Boxing Training
For details of the promotion,please refer to the following link :
Instagram : Link
If you request Boxing / Thai Boxing Training through OneLearningHK,you can enjoy a 30% discount.
Don't be lazy, you have to practice!
Coach L has ten years of boxing/Muay Thai martial arts experience and has also obtained a coaching license.
Everyone is welcome to learn more about joining the class.
Experience outdoor training one-on-one.
You don't need to sweat in the boxing gym and you can practice stronger cardiopulmonary function while breathing fresh air.
Physical fitness + technology + psychology are part of the training time. It is not just called "Hit sandbags", it is also combined with boxing targets to train students' footwork.
Courses are designed to suit different levels and strive to combine sweating with technical aspects, so that students can have different feelings in each class, thereby cultivating their love for boxing/Muay Thai.
Check registration details via WhatsApp or call the trial hall at any time.
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#Joint Discount / 聯乘優惠
#聯乘優惠 / Joint Discount
分類 :
室內運動 - 健身
- 跆拳 (Kick-Boxing)
室內運動 - 武術
- 拳擊 泰拳
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