發表日期: 4/12/2023
點擊: 352
年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)
語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文
人數: 多於4人
教學模式: 面授, 網授
時間: 個別查詢
價錢: 個別查詢
服務地區: 中西區, 東區, 南區, 灣仔區, 九龍城區, 觀塘區, 深水埗區, 黃大仙區, 油尖旺區, 離島區, 葵青區, 北區, 西貢區, 沙田區, 大埔區, 荃灣區, 屯門區, 元朗區, 其他(彈性或無固定地點)
養生功夫(八段錦 易筋經 太極)線上訓練班
New Online 1 to 1 Chinese Kung Fu/Health Kung Fu Class video lesson
Welcome student from all over the world
This class is conducted by Guo Shifu (Northern Kung Fu/Health Kung Fu trainer).
Student can choose the type of Kung Fu he/she wants to practice.
Student can choose 1 to 1 real time Kung Fu video lesson or or 1 to 1 recorded Kung Fu video lesson
*Fee: Affordable price depend on the type of kung fu
Real-time Video Lesson
Student can choose a suitable time to have this 1 to 1 real time video lesson with Guo Shi fu via whatsapp/wechat/google meet/zoom etc. Student can firstly tell us which type of Kung Fu you want to learn (check from here)or your aim of learning Kung Fu. Guo Shi fu will design suitable kung fu lessons for you.
Usually students will have 1 or 2 lessons per week. Duration of the lesson will be 1 or 2 hours.
Recorded Video Lesson
Guo Shifu will send kung fu lesson recorded video to student.
Each Video contribute one lesson. Usually one or two lessons per week depends on student's request. Student can send her/his practice video to Guo Shifu. Guo Shifu will review and provide correction advice on the move by another video before the next lesson. Also, if student has question about the lesson, Guo Shifu will explain by video/message.
#Overseas HK Tutors / 海外香港導師
#海外香港導師 / Overseas HK Tutors
分類 :
室內運動 - 武術
- 太極 其他中國武術
0 用戶評論