

發表日期: 1/28/2024
點擊: 106
商戶 : luthierwing
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 51140216
地址 : 鴻力工業大廈 3 樓
簡介 : 自2010年成立至今,提供不同的提琴,顧客有來自歐美及東南亞地區。本地顧客有丁怡杰,Hannah及 Gian Paolo 等 ,曾維修價錢為 60萬至 380 萬元的提琴。

年齡範圍: 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)

語言: 廣東話

人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人

教學模式: 面授

時間: 90分鐘

價錢: $600

服務地區: 觀塘區

You can personally create an authentic Italian school violin in Hong Kong. Learning  this professional craft, one often had to fly to countries like  Italy,France,German etc., to become an apprentice, which takes 2 to 3years and a significant amount of money.

Violin-Making School sincerely hopes to assist a group of violin enthusiasts in  Asia  who are passionate about pursuing this as their profession and carrying on the tradition of violin making.

Our curriculum covers all aspects, including violin structure construction,making varnishing, setup, sound principles, and various related topics.


分類 :

音樂和表演 - 弦樂器 - 小提琴 中提琴 大提琴 低音提琴


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