

發表日期: 6/29/2022
點擊: 1147
商戶 : 網球教練Kevin
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 98310019
地址 : 將軍澳坑口
簡介 : Hi there! This is Kevin and I am a tennis coach mainly coaching at Tseung Kwan O and Eastern district. I have passed the certified coach examination by Hong Kong Tennis Association. I am glad to be of service to you.

年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲)

語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文

人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人

教學模式: 面授

時間: 每堂60分鐘

價錢: $400

服務地區: 東區, 西貢區


Hi there! This is Kevin and I am a tennis coach mainly coaching at Tseung Kwan O and Eastern district. I have passed the certified coach examination by Hong Kong Tennis Association. I am glad to be of service to you.


分類 :

球類運動 - 網球 - 硬地 (網球) 軟地 (網球)


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